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Your Best Oral Health – Three Non-Negotiables

It is widely known that oral health is linked to your body’s health and wellness. But did you know that there are some key ways you can ensure your mouth is its cleanest and healthiest?

It’s true – much of your oral health relies on you and not your dentist!

Read on for more on these easy tips that you can put into practice right away.

Oral wellness – keeping it its best!

First and foremost, ensuring that you are brushing and flossing daily as you should is, perhaps, the easiest way to set yourself up for oral health success. It is recommended you brush your teeth twice daily and floss once a day to keep cavities at bay. Be sure to brush for two minutes with a soft-bristled brush and take special care to do so after eating, as food debris can cause bacterial that can build up and cause plaque to form.

Next, seeing your dentist for your bi-annual checkup and cleaning is absolutely essential to keeping your oral health in check. While you may thing canceling or postponing your visit is okay, it can be detrimental to your oral health.

During your visit, your dentist will examine your mouth for any potential issues that may be happening, including an oral cancer screening. You will also receive your professional cleaning, that goes far beyond daily brushing at home.

And did you know that eating a healthy, nutritious diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables can also go a long way in aiding in oral health? The foods you consume affect the tissues in your mouth, while sugar-laden foods are directly related to dental caries developing.

Dr. Mitchell Milan, your premier dentist in metro Detroit

As the best cosmetic dentist in Michigan, Dr. Milan of Birmingham Center for Cosmetic Dentistry leads the way in all things dental – form cosmetic to restorative to preventative dentistry.

His work has been recognized far and wide as the best of the best and his patients repeatedly comment on his kind and caring nature.

If you’d like to learn more, contact us today for your appointment.

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