As you head into the New Year, making your health a priority is essential. This also includes your oral health.
Some people mistakenly believe that postponing or missing their six-month dental checkups altogether is no big deal. Not so. Skipping your dental checkup puts you at risk for a myriad of issues that can affect not only your mouth, but your overall health.
Keep reading for more on this important topic.
Risks and rewards
When you go longer than six months to receive your dental cleaning from your dentist, your mouth suffers. Not only do you risk having bad breath, gum issues, dull-looking teeth and excess plaque, you could actually be instigating more serious issues.
Study after study shows that oral health is directly related to overall health. In fact, major diseases like diabetes and heart disease can be affected by poor oral health and periodontal disease. Professional dental cleanings remove tartar and plaque, thus, decreasing tooth decay, bacteria and risk of infection.
Preventative care is key in your oral health and overall wellness. And if you avoid it, it may end up costing you in the future.
What’s more, your Michigan dentist can identify other issues in your mouth that may be showing no symptoms at all, including Celiac disease and oral cancer. A dental cleaning appointment can also inform you of other treatments that would be beneficial to you for optimum oral health.
On the other hand, seeing your dentist regularly can offer a host of benefits. Not only will your teeth look and feel healthier and whiter, your breath will be fresher, and your gums will be their best. Further, you can rest easy knowing that you are taking all the steps necessary to identify any potential dental concerns. As always, early detection and treatment is key.
An experienced, skilled dentist who cares
Birmingham Center for Cosmetic Dentistry is here for you in the New Year. Dr. Mitchell Milan has been helping metro Detroiters (and those who come to him from longer distances) achieve the height of dental health for two decades and is proud to be a trusted Dentist Birmingham MI.
With dental treatments that run the gamut from preventative to advanced and cosmetic dentistry in Michigan, Dr. Milan has a solution for nearly every dental woe. Whether your teeth are discolored, chipped or altogether missing, he can bring brilliance back to your smile. And, of course, his expertise begins with your regular dental visits.
Are you due for a dental checkup and cleaning? Call Dr. Milan’s office for your appointment. We look forward to providing you with exceptional service.