One of the hallmarks of successful people is that they exude confidence. You can’t exactly do that if you’re afraid of flashing your pearly whites. Confidence begins from within and radiates to your face: from an award-winning smile to strong eye contact, how you project yourself to others is everything.
In fact, one of the top reasons why people are perceived as being attractive, successful or youthful is the quality of their smile. Interestingly, the untapped powers of the smile have their roots in neuroscience, anthropology, sociality and psychology. A universal means of communication, smiling is one of the most basic, biologically-uniform expressions of all humans, crossing all cultural, religious and ethnic groups, says Forbes.
The Proven Effects of Smiling
Several studies have shown that smiling is an innate behavior that gets stronger when we are around others who are smiling. It’s actually an evolutionarily contagious social behavior, even when among strangers with whom we don’t intend to connect. It’s also been proven that the simple act of smiling not only makes us look better but helps us feel better too.
Smiling makes you healthier, to boot, with documented therapeutic effects that reduce stress hormones, increase health and mood-boosting hormones, and lower blood pressure.
It’s no secret, then, that we appear more likable and friendly when we smile at others. In addition to appearing more courteous, research has shown that we are perceived as more competent.
Did you know a confident smile can be even more attractive than good looks? That’s according to research found on that outlined a study of people interacting in a bar or mall setting. Surprisingly, it wasn’t necessarily the most physically-attractive people who were flirted with but those who made eye contact and smiled with confidence.
Negative Effects of an Unattractive Smile
Mis-aligned, badly shaped, crooked, gapped or discolored teeth not only put you in an unattractive and less confident light, they can actually drag your face down, negatively impacting your overall appearance.
A flawed smile can contribute to health issues like snoring, jaw pain and chronic headaches. In addition, smiles with unsightly gaps, uneven teeth, brown and yellowed teeth, or missing teeth signal to others that you have poor personal hygiene.
Putting Your Best Face Forward
Not only do you want to appear attractive to the opposite sex in your social life, you also want to appear confident in business relationships as well. After a handshake, a solid smile is the next best way to give off a stellar impression. In fact, research shows that people who smile and project confidence are more likely to get a raise or promotion when they ask for one.
Having white, straight teeth can go a long way towards instilling that confidence in yourself. Stop hiding behind a shy exterior because you’re afraid to show your teeth. Instead, call Mitchell S. Milan, DDS, at Birmingham Center for Cosmetic Dentistry at 248-644-2136. We’re conveniently located at 555 S Old Woodward Ave in Birmingham MI and welcome you to come in for a consultation to achieve the confident smile you’ve always wanted.