When considering oral health, it’s obvious that healthy teeth come to mind. However, most people don’t think about their gums nearly as often. Truth be told, your gums serve an important purpose. They are the anchor that keep your teeth in the proper place and also absorb shock in the mouth.
Gums are comprised of tissue and a layer covering the tissue made up of mucous membrane which keeps your mouth clean. And if your gums become unhealthy, it can have a trickle-down effect.
Read on for more on how to tell whether or not your gums are in optimum health.
What do healthy gums look like?
One of the most evident ways to tell if your gums are healthy is if they do not bleed when brushing or flossing. Additionally, gums should display a light pink color, should not be receding and should not appear or feel swollen. Further, teeth should feel secure in your gums.
On the other hand, unhealthy gums often bleed when brushing or flossing, display a red or even a pale appearance (almost white), could be swollen or have a yellow fluid at the base. All of these are signs of unhealthy gums and that there is an issue that needs to be addressed. Likewise, so are receding gums or even if you have a tooth or teeth that feel loose or have shifted in position.
Some gum issues are a result of brushing too hard or not brushing and flossing enough. Others are due to the onset of gum disease. Gum disease, when left untreated, can progress to damage to the mouth’s tissues and bone, thus, resulting in tooth loss.
However, when treated early enough, gum disease can be reversed. This is why it is crucial to see your dentist at least every six months for your cleaning and dental exam. You should also take care to brush twice daily and floss your teeth daily. Be sure you are not brushing too hard, as this can cause gums to recess.
If you feel your gums have any of the above issues, you should contact Dr. Milan right away for an exam.
Birmingham Center for Cosmetic Dentistry in Birmingham, MI
When it comes to healthy teeth and gums, Dr. Milan and his staff can play a vital role. Our office is state-of-the-art and offers only the height of dental and cosmetic dental treatments in metro Detroit. From in-depth cleanings to oral cancer screenings to teeth whitening, teeth straightening and so much more, Dr. Milan is here for you and your family’s dental needs.
As one of the most well-respected cosmetic dentists in the state and country for over two decades, Dr. Milan’s livelihood is his patients’ oral health. Further, he prides himself on providing advanced tooth and gum treatments that aren’t offered by most dentists. As such, he is able to deliver confidence, as well as health, to his patients.
If you are experiencing a gum or tooth problem, don’t wait. Call Dr. Milan’s office today for your appointment.