At times, whether due to injury or a nagging oral health issue, you may experience a tooth or mouth issue that could be of an emergent nature. A dental emergency is a situation that requires immediate attention from a dentist.
These can occur out of blue, and most times require fast dental care. Fortunately, our office is equipped to handle dental emergencies.
Read on for more on this important topic.
What is a dental emergency?
You may wonder if a particular dental issue is a dental emergency situation. The issue that are include the following:
-A tooth that is badly chipped or cracked
-A tooth that has been knocked out
-A tooth that is dislodged
-A dental abscess causing facial or jaw swelling
-A broken or lost dental restoration
-A severe toothache
If you are experiencing one of the above situations, please contact us. And for more serious situations like a broken facial bone, you should go to the nearest emergency room.
When can I wait for a dental appointment?
In other cases, there are things that are not necessarily considered a dental emergency. In these situations, you can wait for an appointment with your dentist.
These include:
-Broken braces or clear aligners
-Dull toothache
-Very small chip in your tooth
-Something stuck in between the teeth
-A minor injury to soft tissue
These situations should still be addressed as soon as possible, however, you can wait for an appointment with us to do so in most cases. As always, calling our office and explaining the situation will offer the best course of action.
Your dentist of choice in southeast Michigan
We are here for you! Birmingham Center for Cosmetic Dentistry has been helping families of metro Detroit achieve their best dental health for over 20 years. And our consistent results are the reason we not only have had patients for years, but also the reason we are consistently referred.
If you are having a dental emergency or any sort of dental issue, or if you wish to explore various dental treatments that could benefit you, we invite you to contact us today.
In an emergency, call 248-644-2136. If it is after hours, our phone recording will provide further instructions.